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Welcome to the Whoovers - Defending Derby since 1999!

The Whoovers are a group of Doctor Who fans based in Derby UK, who meet twice monthly alternating between in-person gatherings and online meetings via ZoomDalek Animation

We regularly have invited special guests from the classic and current series to our meetings.

We also organise the annual Whooverville convention and since 2018, we have been honoured to host Big Finish Day, for our friends Big Finish Productions.

In 2023, we organised Novel Experiences, a celebration of Doctor Who novels 1991-2005. The group was established in 1999 and so celebrated our 20th Anniversary in 2019.

For our next meeting check out the Events Page


Saturday 31st August 2024 FROM 10.00-17:30 at Quad!

Poster for Whoverville 15

Sorry if you missed out but Whooverville 15 is now SOLD OUT!

STOP PRESS - Another 50 tickets now available from Quad, but act fast! Go here

A multitude of guests now announced!

Wendy Padbury - Maureen O'brien - Chris Chapman - Tommy Knight - Jason Quinn - Dominic Glynn - Jeff Rawle - Simon Fischer-Becker - Daisy Ashford - Katy Manning - Carole Ann Ford - Roger Murray-Leach - Philip Hinchcliffe and more and more and more..........!

See here for all WHOOOVERVILLE 15 information

Design by g2webworks 2023 : Animation images by James Blowers